Code Walkthrough

The data.all package is a mono-repo comprising several modules:


We deploy the data.all tooling, backend and frontend using AWS Cloud Development Kit, which offers high level abstractions to create AWS resources.

The deploy package is a CDK application, with an deploying a CICD stack. In the final deployment step of the Deploy to AWS guide, we are deploying the CICD pipeline stack defined in this section.


As explained above, here is the code that defines the CICD pipeline in the tooling account. More specifically, the PipelineStack is defined in stacks/

From this stack, we deploy a CodePipeline pipeline and other stacks as standalone resources (e.g. VpcStack from stacks/ In addition, we define some CodePipeline deployment stages such as the stage that deploys the backend code BackendStage from stacks/backend_stage.

In the pipeline stack PipelineStack we deploy the following stacks and sub-stacks:

  • AlbFrontStage
    • AlbFrontStack: Application Load Balancer for the UI applications
  • CloudfrontStage
    • CloudFrontStack: CloudFront UI
  • BackendStage
    • BackendStack:
      • AuroraServerlessStack: Aurora RDS Database and associated resources - data.all objects metadata
      • IdpStack: Cognito and IdP stack
      • ContainerStack: ECS stack —-> contains the ECS task definitions which are defined in backend.core and backend.modules
      • CloudWatchCanariesStack if enable_cw_canaries=true
      • CloudWatchRumStack if enable_cw_run=true
      • DBMigrationStack: tool to migrate between Aurora versions of the database table schemas
      • LambdaApiStack : Lambda Function stack
      • MonitoringStack : CloudWatch alarms and monitoring resources
      • OpenSearchStack: OpenSearch cluster - data.all central catalog (default)
      • OpenSearchServerlessStack: OpenSearch Serverless collection - data.all central catalog (if enabled)
      • ParamStoreStack : AWS SSM parameters
      • S3ResourcesStack : S3 resources
      • SecretsManagerStack : AWS SSM Secrets
      • SqsStack : SQS
      • VpcStack: Backend VPC and Networking Componenets (e.g. subnets, security groups, service endpoints, etc.)
  • AuroraServerlessStack: Aurora RDS Database and associated resources - for integration testing
  • CodeArtifactStack: for our Docker Images
  • ECRStage: for our Docker Images
  • VpcStack: Tooling VPC and Networking Componenets (e.g. subnets, security groups, service endpoints, etc.)

There are other elements in the deploy folder:

├── pivot_role/  : with the YAML template for the data.all IAM Pivot Role (manually created)
├── cdk_exec_role/  : with the template for an optional role that can be used to bootstrap environments in cdk bootstrap 
├── configs/ : scripts that create configuration files for Cognito, CloudFront and CloudWatch RUM
├── custom_resources/ : resources or actions not included in CloudFormation
└── canaries/: scripts for canary used in Canary stack if CloudWatch canary is enabled


In this section we will touch upon the main components of the backend code. Here is a short description of all the components and in the subsections we detail the structure of the dataall package.

├── dataall/  : application package (explained in detail below) 
├── docker/  :  Dockerfiles deployed in ECR (/prod) and used in docker compose locally (/dev)
├── migrations/ : scripts used by alembic to update the Aurora RDS database tables. README explaining details.
├── alembic.ini : used in database migrations
├── : GraphQL Lambda handler
├── : Worker Lambda handler
├── :  ESProxy Lambda handler
├── : ECS CDK task
├── : CDKProxy local server used in docker (replacing the cdkproxymain)
├── : Graphql local server used in docker (replacing the api_handler)
├── requirements.txt : requirements file used in Docker images for Lambdas and local containers of the backend

Inside dataall/ we have 3 main sub-packages:

  • base - common code used in core and modules
  • core - components that are needed to operate data.all correctly
  • modules - additional plug-in components that can be configured or disabled


The base package is divided into the listed components. We explain db, api and cdkproxy in more detail in each of their subsections.

├── api/  : gql wrapper package. Constants and context definition.
├── aws/  :  wrapper client upon boto3 calls used across several modules (e.g. IAM class).
├── cdkproxy/ : CDK application that deploys stacks in environment accounts exposing a REST API.
├── db/ : configuration, connection parameters and base utilities for the RDS Aurora database
├── searchproxy/ : connection and search utils for the OpenSearch cluster
├── utils/ : generic utilities
├── : Config class to manage the config.json file
├── : Class to manage the API calls context
├── : Classes and methods that manage the loading of modules


Backend code relies on the popular Python’s sqlalchemy ORM package to connect and perform operations against the RDS database. Among other components in base.db we export:

  1. get_engine(envname='local') : returns a wrapper for a SQLAlchemy engine instance
  2. Base : a SQL alchemy Base metadata class
  3. Resource : a SQL alchemy class that holds common fields (label, created,…) found in data.all models
  4. create_schema_and_tables : a method that will create schema and tables


The api is exposed using the ariadne GraphQL package. The overall flow of GraphQL resolution is found in the module using the graphqlsync from ariadne.

The data.all base.api package contains the gql sub-package to support GraphQL schemas. It is used to programmatically define GraphQL constructs.


This package contains the code associated with the deployment of CDK stacks that correspond to data.all resources. cdkproxy is a package that exposes a REST API to run registered cloudformation stacks using AWS CDK. It is deployed as a docker container running on AWS ECS.

When a data.all resource is created, the API sends an HTTP request to the docker service and the code runs the appropriate stack using cdk cli.

These stacks are deployed with the cdk cli wrapper The API itself consists of 4 actions/paths:

  • GET / : checks if the server is running
  • POST /stack/{stackid} : creates or updates the stack
  • DELETE /stack/{stackid} : deletes the stack
  • GET /stack/{stackid] : returns stack status

The webserver is running on docker, using Python’s FASTAPI web framework and running using uvicorn ASGI server.


Core contains those functionalities that are indispensable to run data.all. Customization of the core should be limited as it affects downstream functionalities.

  • activity
  • cognito_groups
  • environment
  • notifications
  • organizations
  • permissions
  • stacks
  • tasks
  • vpc

These “core-modules” follow a similar structure composed of the listed sub-components. Note that not all the sub-components are present in all core-modules.

├── api/  : api definition and validation (in resolvers)
├── aws/  :  wrapper client upon boto3 calls
├── cdk/  :  CDK stacks to be deployed
├── db/ : models (database table models) and repositories (database operations)
├── handlers/ : code that will be executed in AWS Worker lambda (short-living tasks)
├── services/ : business logic
├── tasks/ : code that will be executed in ECS Tasks (long-living tasks)
├── any additional functionality

The sub-packages api, db and cdk are better explained in the modules/ section. Here, we will focus on those core additional functionalities that are used by all modules: Feature toggle, Permissions, WorkerHandler and Stack helper.

Feature toggle

In core/feature_toggle_checker you will find a decorator that allows users to enable or disable certain API calls from the core functionalities or the modules functionalities. This is useful whenever a customer wants to disable a particular feature on the server side. For example, in the following case the config.json file has disabled a feature called env_aws_actions.

    "core": {
        "features": {
            "env_aws_actions": true

If we go to the core.environment.api package we will see that some resolvers have been decorated depending on this flag. Any resolver, any api call, can be enabled or disabled by introducing more core-toggle features in both the core and/or the modules.

def _get_environment_group_aws_session(
    session, username, groups, environment, groupUri=None


The core.permissions package implements the permission logic for the application and adds the permissions for the core modules. In particular, contains the decorators that validate the user permissions with respect to a resource.

  • db/ - the RDS tables and operations with RDS
  • api/ - the calls related to permissions
  • - the core module permission definitions


In core/tasks/ we defined the WorkerHandler Python class, that routes tasks to the Worker AWS Lambda (for tasks that are processed asynchronously).

This class has a singleton instance called Worker. It exposes a decorator function to register handler functions that can be run by the Worker.

    def FUNCTION_NAME(engine, task: Task):

We use the 2 apis of the Worker class to send tasks to the Lambda and use the corresponding registered handler.

  1. Worker.queue(engine, task_ids: [str])): an interface to send a list of task ids to the worker
  2. Worker.process(engine, task_ids: [str]): an interface to pick up and process a list of tasks

In the corresponding API call where you want to trigger the Worker Lambda, create a Task in RDS and queue it as in the following example.

        task = models.Task(

        Worker.queue(engine=context.engine, task_ids=[task.taskUri])

Then, the Worker AWS Lambda receives JSON objects with the Task fields. Below is the code of the Worker Lambda defined in backend/

def handler(event, context=None):
    """Processes  messages received from sqs"""'Received Event: {event}')
    for record in event['Records']:'Consumed record from queue: %s' % record)
        message = json.loads(record['body'])'Extracted Message: {message}')
        Worker.process(engine=engine, task_ids=message)

Finally, the WorkerHandler will process the tasks by reading the task metadata from the RDS Database, routing to the decorated handler function and assuming a role in the AWS Account where the action needs to be performed.

If you want to see an example check the core.stacks or “Stack helper” package which contains a number of CloudFormation handlers.

Stack helper

The core.stacks package implements handlers, database logic and apis to manage CloudFormation (CDK) stacks that belong to a data.all module (core module or plugable module). Some of the activities that it implements are:

  • trigger the deployment of stacks
  • describe status of stacks
  • deletion of stacks
  • record/look-up metadata about stacks in RDS


Modules are components that can be plugged in (or out) of your data.all deployment. Their features are configured in the config.json file. In contrast to the core package, modules are meant to be customized and enriched with new features. You can even go ahead and customize or create new modules.

Each module can contain all or a subset of the listed sub-packages:

├── api/  : api definition and validation (in resolvers)
├── aws/  :  wrapper client upon boto3 calls
├── cdk/  :  CDK stacks to be deployed
├── db/ : models (database table models) and repositories (database operations)
├── handlers/ : code that will be executed in AWS Worker lambda (short-living tasks)
├── indexers/ : code to handle upsert/delete operations of data.all resources to the OpenSearch Catalog
├── services/ : business logic
├── tasks/ : code that will be executed in ECS Tasks (long-living tasks)


This package processes all requests to the RDS database for the module metadata, it can be from the Lambda API Handler, Lambda Worker or the ECS tasks.

The package contains 2 types of classes:

  • Suffixed with _models: it defines tables and their schemas in our Aurora RDS database.
  • Suffixed with _repositories: api calls against the RDS Aurora database.

Database data operations done by the backend rely on the popular Python’s sqlalchemy ORM package. Here is an example of a query to find all deleted tables of a specific data.all dataset.

    def find_all_deleted_tables(session, dataset_uri):
        return (
                    DatasetTable.datasetUri == dataset_uri,
                    DatasetTable.LastGlueTableStatus == 'Deleted',


This package is required for modules that need to interact with the OpenSearch Catalog. It leverages the BaseIndexer class to implement the different upsert and delete operations in the catalog.


The aws package is where all the AWS logic is implemented. It serves as an interface that performs API calls to AWS services. In other words, if a module performs calls to a particular AWS service, the corresponding boto3 client should be declared in the module aws package. We recommend to leverage the SessionHelper class defined in to start a session with the dataallPivotRole or any other role in the environment account.


Please review the section dedicated to WorkerHandler in /core. As explained, AWS Worker Lambda handlers are registered by decorating them. The handlers package of each module contains the different handlers for the module. They often use the db repositories and aws clients as it happens in the DatasetProfilingGlueHandler that uses DatasetRepository and GlueDatasetProfilerClient.

    def get_profiling_run(engine, task: Task):
        with engine.scoped_session() as session:
            profiling: DatasetProfilingRun = (
                    session, profiling_run_uri=task.targetUri
            dataset: Dataset = DatasetRepository.get_dataset_by_uri(session, profiling.datasetUri)
            status = GlueDatasetProfilerClient(dataset).get_job_status(profiling)

            profiling.status = status
            return {"profiling_status": profiling.status}


In this package you should define the module ECS long-running tasks. For example, the ECS task definition to run the sharing of datasets is placed in dataset_sharing.tasks.share_manager.

In addition, the task needs to be defined in the deployment of the ECS tasks. Here is an extract of deploy/stacks/ where that particular task is defined. Use the run_if decorator to set its dependency with a certain module.

    def add_share_management_task(self):
        share_management_task_definition = ecs.FargateTaskDefinition(

        share_management_container = share_management_task_definition.add_container(
                repository=self._ecr_repository, tag=self._cdkproxy_image_tag
            command=['python3.8', '-m', 'dataall.modules.dataset_sharing.tasks.share_manager_task'],


Under this directory you will find 4 different types of classes used in CDK deployments of infrastructure.

  • resource stacks
  • environment extensions
  • environment team role policies (usually called env_role_XXX_policy)
  • pivot role policies (usually called pivot_role_XXX_policy)

Resource stacks

Resource stacks, are CDK stacks deployed when a resource is created. For example, when we create a Dataset we deploy the stack defined in and decorated as follows. The decorator and the stack manager are implemented in base.cdkproxy.

class DatasetStack(Stack):

Environment extensions

For some modules, the environment stack includes base resources that are used for all users in the environment account. Taking the example of the mlstudio module, we see that in cdk/ we define a class that uses the base class EnvironmentStackExtension. This class requires the definition of a function called extent, that “extends” the resources created by the environment stack with the module-specific resources. In this case we add the SageMaker domain to the environment stack.

class SageMakerDomainExtension(EnvironmentStackExtension):

    def extent(setup: EnvironmentSetup):
        _environment = setup.environment()

Environment team role policies

If a team is invited to an environment and the module is enabled for that particular team, data.all creates an IAM role as part of the environment cdk stack. That IAM role has different permissions depending on the features that it has access to. Those features often correspond to modules. In the Environment team role policies files is where we define these policies that need to be added to a team IAM role if the feature is enabled for its team.

The IAM policy statements need to be defined creating a class that inherits the ServicePolicy class. Here is an example, if the dataset module is active and a data.all Team has the CREATE_DATASET permissions the DatasetDatabrewServicePolicy.get_statements returned statements will be added to the team IAM policies.

class DatasetDatabrewServicePolicy(ServicePolicy):
    Class including all permissions needed to work with AWS DataBrew.
    def get_statements(self, group_permissions, **kwargs):
        if CREATE_DATASET not in group_permissions:
            return []

        statements = [

Pivot role policies

We want the dataallPivotRole to follow least-privilege permissions and have only those IAM statements that are needed to operate a certain configuration of data.all. Imagine that you disable the dashboards module, in that case, the pivotRole should not have any Quicksight related permissions needed by Dashboards. We achieve this modular definition of pivotRole policies by using the PivotRoleStatementSet class to define the policies needed by the pivotRole for a module. If the module is enabled, then the auto-created pivotRole is deployed with the additional PivotRoleStatementSet and viceversa.

class DatasetsPivotRole(PivotRoleStatementSet):
    Class including all permissions needed  by the pivot role to work with Datasets based in S3 and Glue databases
    It allows pivot role to:
    - ....
    def get_statements(self):
        statements = [

Note that this is only possible for auto-created pivot roles. For manually created pivot roles, the out-of-the-box CloudFormation YAML contains all permissions required for all modules. We recommend you to use auto-created pivot roles to avoid manual errors and ensure least-privilege permissions.


The api package depends on base.api and defines the API calls executed by the GraphQL Lambda handler. You might have one single group of API calls or split them in multiple packages. Independently if you have a single package (e.g. dashboards.api) or multiple packages (e.g. datasets.api), each package should always follow the same structure:

  1. : definition of GraphQL ObjectTypes
  2. : definition of GraphQL MutationFields –> API calls that modify an ObjectType
  3. : definition of GraphQL QueryFields for the –> API calls that query information about an ObjectType
  4. : definition of GraphQL InputTypes used as input for MutationFields and QueryFields
  5. : code that is executed in the MutationFields and QueryFields API calls. Input validation, no business logic.
  6. (optional) enums used in ObjectTypes and InputTypes

Note: all these classes need to be imported in the

As briefly explained above, the resolvers define the code that is executed by the Lambda whenever an API call is made. In the resolvers we verify the input of the API call and we call the corresponding Service where the business logic is defined. Resolvers should NOT include any business logic.

Each resolver receives the following parameters:

  1. The context is provided by the GraphQL engine as an object with two properties
    • context.engine : a db.Engine instance (the database connection)
    • context.username : the username performing the api call
  2. The source parameter is optional. If provided, it holds the result of the parent field
  3. **kwargs are the named field parameters

For example, let’s see the dataset creation resolver (

def create_dataset(context: Context, source, input=None):

    admin_group = input['SamlAdminGroupName']
    uri = input['environmentUri']
    return DatasetService.create_dataset(uri=uri, admin_group=admin_group, data=input)

As you can verify, in the resolvers we do not include any business logic, we only verify the input and call the corresponding module service.


Here is where the business logic of the module API calls is defined. There are 2 types of files in this directory:

  • One <MODULE_NAME> file that defines the application permissions that apply to the module.
  • One or more <MODULE_NAME>_<SUBCOMPONENT> files that define all the application logic related to the module subcomponent. Like calling the db repositories, triggering handlers with the WorkerHandler or cdk stack deployments with the stack helper.


With the permissions checkers implemented in core.permissions and in, if a service function is decorated, data.all checks the permission of the user before executing the action. For example, in the create_dataset function of the DatasetService, we take the user and check whether it has tenant permissions to MANAGE_DATASETS, has resource permissions on the environment resource to CREATE_DATASET or if the user groups have permissions to CREATE_DATASET in that environment.

    def create_dataset(uri, admin_group, data: dict):

Each of these decorators refer to a different type of permission:

  • TENANT_PERMISSIONS - Granted to the Tenant group. For each resource we should define a corresponding MANAGE_ permission
  • ENVIRONMENT_PERMISSIONS - Granted to any group in an environment. For each resource we should define a list of actions regarding that resource that are executed on the environment (e.g. List resources X in an environment)
  • RESOURCE_PERMISSION - Granted to any group. For each resource we should define a list of all actions that can be done on the resource. We also need to add the permissions for the Environment resource (ENVIRONMENT_PERMISSIONS)

If a function is decorated with permission checker decorators, it should pass uri and admin_group as parameters. They are needed to validate the permissions of the user in relation to the groups and resources.

When creating a new resource that has associated permissions, the corresponding RESOURCE_PERMISSIONS should be attached. You can take the example for dataset creation as a reference.


ModuleInterfaces in

Core and module code is executed in different compute components of the architecture of data.all. All backend code is executed in AWS Lambdas (GraphQL Lambda, Worker Lambda, ESProxy Lambda) or in ECS Fargate tasks on demand (CDKProxy task and Share task) or scheduled (Stack updates, Catalog Syncer).

If a module is active, the module code needs to be imported to the corresponding compute component so that it can be executed. To import the necessary code into each of the compute components, we will use the ModuleInterface ABC class defined in

In the __init__ file of each of the modules we will declare a ModuleInterface class for each compute component that needs to run module code. We need to define the abstract class method is_supported returning the ImportMode that the particular ModuleInterface is interacting with.

There are 6 types of ImportMode (imported from depending on the different infrastructure components that import module code.

  • API - GraphQL API Lambda
  • CDK - CDK Proxy
  • CDK_CLI_EXTENSION - CDK Proxy extension imports
  • HANDLERS - AWS Worker Lambda
  • STACK_UPDATER_TASK - ECS Task that updates CDK stacks
  • CATALOG_INDEXER_TASK - ECS Task that updates items indexed in the Catalog

Note: if you want to add a new ImportMode class, you’ll need to define the new import mode and use the loader base functions in your compute component. In the backend/ you can see one example. Pay attention to the load_modules function.


For a deeper dive - let’s look at the following example from modules.mlstudio:

MLStudioApiModuleInterface is a class that inherits ModuleInterface. is_supported returns ImportMode.API which means that the interface will import code into the GraphQL API Lambda.

Since we want the GraphQL API Lambda to execute module code, we will import dataall.modules.mlstudio.api and other API related sub-packages when the interface class is initialized.

In the sections below, we will dive deep into the typical sub-packages for each ImportMode, but for the loading just remember: interface to import module code in each of the compute components.

class MLStudioApiModuleInterface(ModuleInterface):
    """Implements ModuleInterface for MLStudio GraphQl lambda"""

    def is_supported(cls, modes):
        return ImportMode.API in modes

    def __init__(self):
        import dataall.modules.mlstudio.api
        TargetType("mlstudio", GET_SGMSTUDIO_USER, UPDATE_SGMSTUDIO_USER)"API of sagemaker mlstudio has been imported")


The frontend part of this project is developed using React.js and bootstrapped using Create React App. You can run the app in development mode using yarn start, and open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

Overview of the frontend directory:

├── docker/
├──── dev/
├────── Dockerfile : contains the docker config for the dev environment
├────── nginx.config : contains the nginx config for the dev environment
├──── prod/
├────── Dockerfile : contains the docker config for the prod environment 
├────── nginx.config : contains the nginx config for the prod environment
├── public/ : contains static files such as index.html and icons like the app logo and favicon
├── src/ : contains the major components of the frontend code, to be discussed in detail in the src/ section below
└── jsconfig.json : used to reference the root folder and map aliases/modules to their respective paths relative to the root folder.


This section contains the major components of the frontend code. Here is a diagram and a short description of all the components of the src folder, we will deep dive subsequently on the contents of each module.

├── authentication/ : contains files, contexts, hooks related to user authentication
├── design/ : contains scripts related to the ui design of the app, layout and theme settings
├── globalErrors/ : global error reducers, uses redux
├── modules/ : contains directories of each view/screen in the app with their related components, hooks and services
├── services/ : contains common graphql schemas and hooks used to call the backend APIs which are then plugged into the frontend
├── utils/ : common helpers used across the app
├── App.js - entry point into the project, wrapped with the theme provider
├── index.js - react.js index script, wrapped with several providers
└── routes.js - where all routes and their hierachies are configured


In this section, we handle the user authentication logic and views for the application. The directory contains React contexts, hooks, components and views used to handle local and production environment authentication.

├── components/
├── contexts/
├── hooks/
├── views/
└── index.js

We used React Context API to handle the authentication state management. CognitoAuthContext.js handles the AWS deployment and LocalAuthContext.js for local deployment. Then AWS Amplify is used to connect the app to AWS Cognito for production auth and a default anonymous user is set for local environment.

The useAuth hook is used to decide the auth context to use depending on the deployment environment, and AuthGuard is a wrapper to verify authentication before routing users to the requested pages in the application.


This section contains script relating to the UI design of the frontend, including theming and theme settings, layout, icons, design components and logic.

├── components/
├── contexts/
├── hooks/
├── icons/
├── theme/
└── index.js

There are two themes, DARK and LIGHT and their basic settings can be found in the theme/ directory. We used React Context API to handle theme settings in SettingsContext.js, the default theme is set to match the browser’s prefered color scheme or DARK if no color scheme is set.

Common hooks used in the UI design like useCardStyle (default card component styling), useScrollReset (scroll to the top of the page) are in the hooks directory.


In this section, we used Redux to handle global error notifications. Error actions that are dispatched across the application are handled by the errorReducer.js which are then displayed in the ErrorNotification.js snackbar.


The services directory contains API calls, hooks and graphql schemas used to call the backend APIs.

services/graphql/ directory contains commonly used graphql api definitions sectioned into modules. These APIs are shared across different modules and that is why they are not under their modules’ directories. For example, the getDataset mutation defined in the backend data.api package is used in several modules in the frontend code. So it is added to the global graphQL folder.

We use Apollo Client and its gql package to parse GraphQL queries and mutations. Here, the mutation requires an input string of the datasetUri and returns a dataset object with the requested values.

export const getDataset = (datasetUri) => ({
  variables: {
  query: gql`
    query GetDataset($datasetUri: String!) {
      getDataset(datasetUri: $datasetUri) {
        statistics {

Inside the services/hooks/ folder, we initialize ApolloClient in useClient.js and useGroups.js handles scripts to obtain Cognito or SAML user groups for the authenticated user.


This directory contains common utility helper methods and constants used across the application. New utility methods o r helpers should be placed here unless it’s a helper that is super specific to a module, then it can be in the same directory as the module under helpers or utils folder.


The modules folder is one of the most important folder in the src/ directory. It contains distinctive logically related views, services and hooks of data.all features that we have sectioned into modules.

Overview of the modules directory

Each module folder contains components, hooks, services and pages related to a view (screen) in the application. The components, hooks, and services directories contain only their respective parts of the code that are only used inside each module. The views folder contains the screens or pages in the module.

├── Administration/
├── Catalog/
├── Dashboards/
├── Datasets/
├── ...
├── MLStudio/
├── Shared/
└── constants.js
Structure of a module

As shown below, each directory in a module except the views folder must contain an index.js file that exports the directory’s content. This is to simplify importing different parts of the code, and also to keep implementation details and internal structure of each directory hidden from its consumers.

├── components/ : contains all components (a singular section of a view) used only in module
├──── ModuleComponentA.js
├──── ModuleComponentB.js
├──── index.js
├── hooks/ : contains all hooks used only in the module
├──── useSomethingA.js
├──── useSomethingB.js
├──── index.js
├── services/ : all graphql schema code used only in the module
├──── someServiceA.js
├──── someServiceB.js
├──── index.js
├── views/ : all views/pages belonging to the module 
├──── ModuleViewA.js
└──── ModuleViewB.js
The Shared Module

When working with React projects, often times we have components that are shared across multiple views and among other components. The shared module contains components that are shared among multiple views in the frontend. Related components are then grouped together in folders and with an index.js file that exports the directory’s content.

Enabling/Disabling modules

We use the config.json file at the root level of the repository to configure module visibility, all modules are active by default. You can disable a module by setting the active parameter for the module to false.

Note: Some modules visibility depends on others, for example, Glossary and Catalog modules are also disabled when Datasets or Dashboards modules are disabled.

  "modules": {
      "mlstudio": {
          "active": true
      "notebooks": {
          "active": true
      "datapipelines": {
          "active": true
      "datasets": {
          "active": false
      "worksheets": {
          "active": true
      "dashboards": {
          "active": true

For the frontend, the moduleUtils.js file in src/utils/helpers handles the logic to activate or deactivate a module. The isModuleEnabled function is used to enable or disable routes and items in the default sidebar or in other views.

Adding a new module

To create a new module please follow the following steps:

  1. Create a new directory for the new module under src/modules
  2. The module structure should follow the same structure mentioned above in the structure of a module section. Typically, the module will be based around its views (or screens) so at minimum it should contain the views directory. All of (components, hooks, services) code should be placed under its respective directory in the module.
  3. In case they need to use a (component, hook, service) from another module, then that part needs to be refactored and moved into the Shared directory for shared components, and (authentication, design, globalErrors, …) folders depending on its purpose.
  4. Any utils or helper should be under src/utils unless it’s a helper that is super specific to this module, then it can be in the same directory as the module under helpers or utils.
  5. All directories in a module except the views folder must have an index.js file that exports it’s content.
  6. Declare the module name in moduleUtils.js
  7. Add the new module screens with their related URLs in src/routes.js
  8. Finally, add the new module to the sidebar/or to other core views. Example in frontend/src/design/components/layout/DefaultSidebar.js


The jsconfig.json file is used to configure aliases and React.js absolute imports. It references the root folder (baseUrl) and map aliases or modules names to their respective paths relative to the root folder.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "src",
    "paths": {
      "authentication/*": ["src/authentication/*"],
      "design/*": ["src/design/*"],
      "globalErrors/*": ["src/globalErrors/*"],
      "modules/*": ["src/modules/*"],
      "services/*": ["src/services/*"],
      "utils/*": ["src/utils/*"],
      "Shared/*": ["src/modules/Shared/*"]

Please note: New aliases must be added to the jsconfig.json file and mapped to their respective paths in order to be used.


pytest is the testing framework used by data.all. Developers can test the GraphQL API directly, as data.all can run as a local Flask app. API tests are found in the tests/api package.

The pytest fixtures found in starts a local development Flask server that exposes the GraphQL API. Tests can use the graphql_client fixture as a parameter to run queries and mutations against the local web server.

def test_get_dataset_as_owner(dataset, graphql_client):
    duri = dataset.datasetUri
    res = graphql_client.query(
        % vars()
    print (res)
    assert == duri
    assert ==


It contains the elements used by docker compose to deploy data.all locally. The application is containerized in 5 containers that are orchestrated with docker-compose.

  • frontend
  • graphql
  • db
  • cdkproxy
  • esproxy

Check Deploy locally if you want to use this feature and run data.all locally.


This folder contains information for developers to add content to the user guide documentation accessible from the UI. Here you can customize the documentation that is linked to the user guide domain. We are using MkDocs package to generate the site.

Work locally

If you already have a virtualenv for the data.all project and you have activated the virtualenv shell, simply cd into the documentation/userguide folder and run the following. The last command will run a local mkdocs server running on port 8000.

> cd documentation/userguide
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> mkdocs serve