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Getting Started: Deploy to AWS


You need to have the tools below up and running to proceed with the deployment:

  • python 3.8 or higher
  • virtualenv pip install virtualenv
  • node
  • npm
  • aws-cdk: installed globally npm install -g aws-cdk
  • aws-cdk credentials plugin: installed globally npm install -g cdk-assume-role-credential-plugin
  • aws-cli (v2)
  • git client

Run the below command to verify that you have git cli installed. It should list your user.name and user.email at a minimum.

git config --list

In addition, you will need at least two AWS accounts. For each of these accounts you will need AWS Administrator credentials ready to use on your terminal. Do not proceed if you are not administrator in the tooling account, and in the deployment account(s).

  • Tooling account: hosts the code repository, and the CI/CD pipeline. We can use any region to deploy the CI/CD resources if the underlying AWS services (CodeCommit, CodeBuild…) are available in the selected region. In addition, you will need access to a second region. The reason is that we use CDK Pipelines, an opinionated CDK construct that deploys a cross-region replication support stack. For all regions except us-east-1 the replication region is us-east-1.
  • Deployment account(s): hosts data.all’s backend and frontend AWS infrastructure. You can deploy data.all to multiple environments on the same or multiple AWS accounts (e.g dev, test, qa, prod). If deployment is configured with internet_facing set to true, us-east-1 is required for the deployment of some frontend components. Backend resources can be hosted in any region given that the AWS services used are available.

Important: the selected region for the tooling account and for the backend resources (deployment account) MUST be the same one.

If you are not deploying data.all in production mode, you could use the same AWS account as the Tooling and the Deployment account.

Make sure that the AWS services used in data.all are available in the Regions you choose for tooling and deployment. Check out the Architecture. Moreover, data.all uses CDK Pipelines in the Tooling account, which means that AWS services used by this construct need to be available in the tooling account (e.g. CodeArtifact).

1. Clone data.all code

Clone the GitHub repository from:

git clone https://github.com/data-dot-all/dataall.git --branch v2.4.0
cd dataall

2. Setup Python virtualenv

From your personal computer or from Cloud9 in the AWS Console, create a python virtual environment from the code using python 3.8, then install the necessary deploy requirements with the following commands:

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./deploy/requirements.txt
pip install git-remote-codecommit

3. Mirror the code to a CodeCommit or CodeStar Connections repository

Using CodeCommit:

Assuming AWS tooling account Administrator credentials, create an AWS CodeCommit repository, mirror the data.all code and push your changes: Run the following to check your credentials:

aws sts get-caller-identity
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name dataall
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin codecommit::<aws-region>://dataall
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git push --set-upstream origin main

Using CodeStar Connection to GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab or Bitbucket:

If you choose to use a GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket repository, it’s important to note that you need to set up an AWS CodeStar connection to your repository for seamless integration. This connection allows AWS CodePipeline to interact securely with GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab or Bitbucket. Before mirroring the data.all code and pushing any changes, make sure to set up the CodeStar connection by following the steps detailed in the documentation:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to the AWS Developer tools > Settings > Connections.
  3. Choose the option to “Create a connection” and select the source provider.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to authenticate and authorize AWS to access the selected source.
  5. Once the connection is established, copy the provided connection ARN. We will use it in step 6 as value for the repo_connection_arn parameter of the cdk.json file.

Make sure that you have the necessary permissions and authentication set up for the repository. To mirror the data.all code and push your changes, follow the standard Git commands:

git remote rm origin
git remote add origin <GitHub-repository-URL>
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
git push --set-upstream origin main

4. Bootstrap tooling account

The Tooling account is where the code repository, and the CI/CD pipeline are deployed. It needs to be bootstrapped with CDK in 2 regions, your selected region and us-east-1.

The Deployment account(s) is where the data.all application infrastructure will be deployed. Each of the deployment account(s) needs to be bootstrapped with CDK in 2 regions, your selected region and us-east-1.

Remember that the selected region for the tooling account and for the backend resources (deployment account) MUST be the same one.

Run the commands below with the AWS credentials of the tooling account:

Your region (can be any supported region)

cdk bootstrap aws://<tooling-account-id>/<aws-region>

North Virginia region (needed to be able to deploy cross region to us-east-1)

cdk bootstrap aws://<tooling-account-id>/us-east-1

5. Bootstrap deployment account(s)

Run the commands below with the AWS credentials of the deployment account:

Your region (can be any supported region)

cdk bootstrap --trust <tooling-account-id> --trust-for-lookup <tooling-account-id> -c @aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis=true --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess aws://<deployment-account-id>/<aws-region>

If you plan to configure the deployment with internet-facing frontend, you also need to bootstrap the North Virginia region (needed for Cloudfront integration with ACM on us-east-1)

cdk bootstrap --trust <tooling-account-id> --trust-for-lookup <tooling-account-id> -c @aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis=true --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess aws://<deployment-account-id>/us-east-1

6. Configure the deployment options in the cdk.json file

We use a parameters cdk.json file to configure and customize your deployment of data.all. This file is at the root level of our repository. Open it, you should be seen something like:

  "app": "python ./deploy/app.py",
  "context": {
    "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway:usagePlanKeyOrderInsensitiveId": false,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront:defaultSecurityPolicyTLSv1.2_2021": true,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-rds:lowercaseDbIdentifier": false,
    "@aws-cdk/core:stackRelativeExports": false,
    "tooling_region": "string_TOOLING_REGION|DEFAULT=eu-west-1",
    "tooling_vpc_id": "string_IMPORT_AN_EXISTING_VPC_FROM_TOOLING|DEFAULT=None",
    "tooling_vpc_restricted_nacl": "boolean_CREATE_CUSTOM_NACL|DEFAULT=false",
    "git_branch": "string_GIT_BRANCH_NAME|DEFAULT=dataall",
    "git_release": "boolean_MANAGE_GIT_RELEASE|DEFAULT=false",
    "quality_gate": "boolean_MANAGE_QUALITY_GATE_STAGE|DEFAULT=true",
    "resource_prefix": "string_PREFIX_FOR_ALL_RESOURCES_CREATED_BY_THIS_APP|DEFAULT=dataall",
    "repository_source": "string_VERSION_CONTROL_SERVICE|(codecommit, codestar_connection) DEFAULT=codecommit",
    "repo_string": "string_REPOSITORY_IN_GITHUB_OWNER/REPOSITORY|DEFAULT=awslabs/aws-dataall, REQUIRED if repository_source=codestar_connection",
    "repo_connection_arn": "string_CODESTAR_SOURCE_CONNECTION_ARN_FOR_GITHUB_arn:aws:codestar-connections:region:account-id:connection/connection-id|DEFAULT=None, REQUIRED if repository_source=codestar_connection",
    "DeploymentEnvironments": [
        "envname": "string_ENVIRONMENT_NAME|REQUIRED",
        "account": "string_DEPLOYMENT_ACCOUNT|REQUIRED",
        "region": "string_DEPLOYMENT_REGION|REQUIRED",
        "with_approval": "boolean_ADD_CODEPIPELINE_APPROVAL_STEP|DEFAULT=false",
        "vpc_id": "string_DEPLOY_WITHIN_AN_EXISTING_VPC|DEFAULT=None",
        "vpc_endpoints_sg": "string_DEPLOY_WITHIN_EXISTING_VPC_SG|DEFAULT=None",
        "vpc_restricted_nacl": "boolean_CREATE_CUSTOM_NACL|DEFAULT=false",
        "internet_facing": "boolean_CLOUDFRONT_IF_TRUE_ELSE_ECS_BEHIND_INTERNAL_ALB|DEFAULT=true",
        "custom_domain": {
          "hosted_zone_name": "string_ROUTE_53_EXISTING_DOMAIN_NAME|DEFAULT=None, REQUIRED if internet_facing=false",
          "hosted_zone_id": "string_ROUTE_53_EXISTING_HOSTED_ZONE_ID|DEFAULT=None",
          "certificate_arn": "string_AWS_CERTIFICATE_MANAGER_EXISTING_CERTIFICATE_ARN|DEFAULT=None, REQUIRED if internet_facing=false",
        "ip_ranges": "list_of_strings_IP_RANGES_TO_ALLOW_IF_NOT_INTERNET_FACING|DEFAULT=None",
        "prod_sizing": "boolean_SET_INFRA_SIZING_TO_PROD_VALUES_IF_TRUE|DEFAULT=true",
        "enable_cw_rum":  "boolean_SET_CLOUDWATCH_RUM_APP_MONITOR|DEFAULT=false",
        "enable_cw_canaries": "boolean_SET_CLOUDWATCH_CANARIES_FOR_FRONTEND_TESTING|DEFAULT=false",
        "enable_quicksight_monitoring": "boolean_ENABLE_CONNECTION_QUICKSIGHT_RDS|DEFAULT=false",
        "shared_dashboards_sessions": "string_TYPE_SESSION_SHARED_DASHBOARDS|(reader, anonymous) DEFAULT=anonymous",
        "enable_pivot_role_auto_create": "boolean_ENABLE_PIVOT_ROLE_AUTO_CREATE_IN_ENVIRONMENT|DEFAULT=false",
        "enable_update_dataall_stacks_in_cicd_pipeline": "boolean_ENABLE_UPDATE_DATAALL_STACKS_IN_CICD_PIPELINE|DEFAULT=false",
        "enable_opensearch_serverless": "boolean_USE_OPENSEARCH_SERVERLESS|DEFAULT=false",
        "cognito_user_session_timeout_inmins": "integer_COGNITO_USER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_INMINS|DEFAULT=43200",
        "reauth_config": {
          "reauth_apis": "list_of_strings_OPERATION_NAMES_TO_REQUIRE_REAUTH_ON|DEFAULT=None",
        "custom_auth": {
          "provider": "string_EXTERNAL_IDP_PROVIDER_NAME|DEFAULT=None",
          "url" : "string_ISSUER_URL_OF_THE_EXTERNAL_IDP|DEFAULT=None",
          "redirect_url" : "string_REDIRECT_URL_OF_THE_EXTERNAL_IDP|DEFAULT=None",
          "client_id": "string_EXTERNAL_IDP_CLIENT_ID|DEFAULT=None",
          "response_types": "string_EXTERNAL_RESPONSE_TYPES_USED_IN_OIDC_FLOW|DEFAULT=None",
          "scopes": "string_EXTERNAL_IDP_SCOPES_SPACE_SEPARATED|DEFAULT=None",
          "jwks_url" : "string_EXTERNAL_IDP_JWKS_URL|DEFAULT=None",
          "claims_mapping": {
            "user_id": "string_USER_ID_CLAIM_NAME_MAPPING_FOR_EXTERNAL_IDP|DEFAULT=None",

Some parameters are required while others are optional. Below, we have listed and defined all the parameters of the cdk.json file. If you still have questions, scroll down and find 2 examples of cdk.json files.

General Parameters Optional/Required Definition
tooling_vpc_id Optional The VPC ID for the tooling account. If not provided, a new VPC will be created.
tooling_region Optional The AWS region for the tooling account where the AWS CodePipeline pipeline will be created. (default: eu-west-1)
tooling_vpc_restricted_nacl Optional If set to true, VPC NACLs added to restrict network traffic on the subnets of the data.all provisioned tooling VPC (default: false)
git_branch Optional The git branch name can be leveraged to deploy multiple AWS CodePipeline pipelines to the same tooling account. (default: main)
git_release Optional If set to true, CI/CD pipeline RELEASE stage is enabled. This stage releases a version out of the current branch. (default: false)
quality_gate Optional If set to true, CI/CD pipeline quality gate stage is enabled. (default: true)
resource_prefix Optional The prefix used for AWS created resources. It must be in lower case without any special character. (default: dataall)
source Optional The version control source for the repository. It can take 2 values ‘codecommit’ or ‘codestar_connection’. (default: ‘codecommit’)
repo_string Optional The repository path as string. Required if source=’codestar_connection’ (default: ‘awslabs/aws-dataall’)
repo_connection_arn Optional The arn of the CodeStar connection connecting with the source repository. Required if source=’codestar_connection’(default: None)
Deployment environments Parameters Optional/Required Definition
envname REQUIRED The name of the deployment environment (e.g dev, qa, prod,…). It must be in lower case without any special character.
account REQUIRED The AWS deployment account (deployment account N)
region REQUIRED The AWS deployment region - Must be the same as the tooling_region
with_approval Optional If set to true an additional step on AWS CodePipeline to require user approval before proceeding with the deployment. (default: false)
vpc_id Optional The VPC ID for the deployment account. If not provided, a new VPC will be created.
vpc_endpoints_sg Optional The VPC endpoints security groups to be use by AWS services to connect to VPC endpoints. If not assigned, NAT outbound rule is used.
vpc_restricted_nacl Optional If set to true, VPC NACLs added to restrict network traffic on the subnets of the data.all provisioned deployment VPC (default: false)
internet_facing Optional If set to true CloudFront is used for hosting data.all UI and Docs and APIs are public. If false, ECS is used to host static sites and APIs are private. (default: true)
custom_domain Optional* Custom domain configuration: hosted_zone_name, hosted_zone_id, certificate_arn, and email_notification_sender_email_id. If internet_facing parameter is false or share_notifications.email is active in config.json then custom_domain is REQUIRED for ECS ALB integration with ACM and HTTPS. It is optional when internet_facing is true.
ip_ranges Optional Used only when internet_facing parameter is false to allow API Gateway resource policy to allow these IP ranges in addition to the VPC’s CIDR block.
apig_vpce Optional Used only when internet_facing parameter is false. If provided, it will be used for API Gateway otherwise a new VPCE will be created.
prod_sizing Optional If set to true, infrastructure sizing is adapted to prod environments. Check additional resources section for more details. (default: true)
enable_cw_rum Optional If set to true CloudWatch RUM monitor is created to monitor the user interface (default: false)
enable_cw_canaries Optional If set to true, CloudWatch Synthetics Canaries are created to monitor the GUI workflow of principle features (default: false)
enable_quicksight_monitoring Optional If set to true, RDS security groups and VPC NACL rules are modified to allow connection of the RDS metadata database with Quicksight in the infrastructure account (default: false)
shared_dashboard_sessions Optional Either ‘anonymous’ or ‘reader’. It indicates the type of Quicksight session used for Shared Dashboards (default: ‘anonymous’)
enable_pivot_role_auto_create Optional If set to true, data.all creates the pivot IAM role as part of the environment stack. If false, a CloudFormation template is provided in the UI and AWS account admins need to deploy this stack as pre-requisite to link a data.all environment (default: false)
enable_update_dataall_stacks_in_cicd_pipeline Optional If set to true, CI/CD pipeline update stacks stage is enabled for the deployment environment. This stage triggers the update of all environment and dataset stacks (default: false)
enable_opensearch_serverless Optional If set to true Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collection is created and used instead of Amazon OpenSearch Service domain (default: false)
cognito_user_session_timeout_inmins Optional The number of minutes to set the refresh token validity time for user session’s in Cognito before a user must re-login to the data.all UI (default: 43200 - i.e. 30 days)
reauth_config Optional A dictionary containing a list of API operations that require a user to re-authenticate before proceedind (reauth_apis) and a time to live (ttl) for how long a user’s re-auth session is valid to perform re-auth APIs before having to re-authenticate again
custom_auth Optional A dictionary containing set of parameters to setup external IDP ( Authentication and Authorization) in data.all. Custom Auth Configuration : provider, url, redirect_url, client_id, response_types, scopes, jwks_url, claims_mapping (Nested dictionary containing configuration : user_id, email). All the configurations are required if setting data.all with an external OIDC supported IDP

Example 1: Basic deployment: this is an example of a minimum configured cdk.json file.

  "app": "python ./deploy/app.py",
  "context": {
    "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway:usagePlanKeyOrderInsensitiveId": false,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront:defaultSecurityPolicyTLSv1.2_2021": true,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-rds:lowercaseDbIdentifier": false,
    "@aws-cdk/core:stackRelativeExports": false,
    "DeploymentEnvironments": [
            "envname": "sandbox",
            "account": "000000000000",
            "region": "eu-west-1"

Example 2: Customized deployment: here we are customizing the cdk.json with all parameters using their non-default values in at least one of the deployments. By specifying multiple environment blocks, “dev” and “prod”, data.all will deploy to 2 deployments accounts.

  "app": "python ./deploy/app.py",
  "context": {
    "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway:usagePlanKeyOrderInsensitiveId": false,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront:defaultSecurityPolicyTLSv1.2_2021": true,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-rds:lowercaseDbIdentifier": false,
    "@aws-cdk/core:stackRelativeExports": false,
    "tooling_vpc_id": "vpc-1234567890EXAMPLE",
    "tooling_region": "eu-west-2",
    "tooling_vpc_restricted_nacl": true,
    "git_branch": "master",
    "git_release": true,
    "quality_gate": false,
    "resource_prefix": "da",
    "DeploymentEnvironments": [
            "envname": "dev",
            "account": "000000000000",
            "region": "eu-west-2",
            "with_approval": false,
            "internet_facing": true,
            "prod_sizing": false,
            "enable_cw_rum": true,
            "enable_cw_canaries": true
            "envname": "prod",
            "account": "111111111111",
            "region": "eu-west-2",
            "with_approval": true,
            "internet_facing": false,
            "vpc_id": "vpc-0987654321EXAMPLE",
            "vpc_endpoints_sg": "sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "vpc_restricted_nacl": true,
            "custom_domain": {
            "ip_ranges": ["IP_RANGE1", "IP_RANGE2"],
            "apig_vpce": "vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "enable_pivot_role_auto_create": true,
            "enable_update_dataall_stacks_in_cicd_pipeline": true,
            "enable_opensearch_serverless": true,
            "cognito_user_session_timeout_inmins": 240,
            "reauth_config": {
              "reauth_apis": ["CreateDataset", "ImportDataset", "deleteDataset"],
              "ttl": 10

Example 3 - Deployment with Custom Authentication

  "app": "python ./deploy/app.py",
  "context": {
    "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway:usagePlanKeyOrderInsensitiveId": false,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront:defaultSecurityPolicyTLSv1.2_2021": true,
    "@aws-cdk/aws-rds:lowercaseDbIdentifier": false,
    "@aws-cdk/core:stackRelativeExports": false,
    "tooling_vpc_id": "vpc-1234567890EXAMPLE",
    "tooling_region": "eu-west-2",
    "tooling_vpc_restricted_nacl": true,
    "git_branch": "master",
    "git_release": true,
    "quality_gate": false,
    "resource_prefix": "da",
    "DeploymentEnvironments": [
            "envname": "dev",
            "account": "000000000000",
            "region": "eu-west-2",
            "with_approval": false,
            "internet_facing": true,
            "prod_sizing": false,
             "custom_auth": {
               "provider": "okta",
               "url": "https://ISSUER_URL",
               "redirect_url": "https://REDIRECT_URL",
               "client_id": "091sdz02308042",
               "response_types": "code",
               "scopes": "openid profile",
               "jwks_url": "https://JWKSURL",
               "claims_mapping": {
                 "user_id": "id",
                 "email": "user_email"

6.1 (Important) - Configure data.all to use external Idp

Out of the box, data.all uses Cognito as the Idp and the user pool provider. If you have your own IDP, you can use Cognito as a proxy and connect your IDP with Cognito using SAML. With this combination, data.all authentication essentially occurs with your external IDP. Please note, the user pools is still managed by Cognito User Pool.

If you have own IDP and also manage your own user pool, you can configure data.all to directly use your IDP. Please read this section only if you want deploying data.all with an external IDP.

Data.all can also be configured to use an external Idp which supports OIDC. In order to do so, please add custom_auth section into your cdk.json file as shown in Example-3.

This will take care of configuring data.all frontend to use the external IDP URL at the time of login. Also, it will setup a custom authorizer lambda and attach it to the API gateway. This custom authorizer lambda will work in place of the cognito authorizer, which is deployed by default.

Important - When setting up data.all, the user pool is managed by Cognito. Here you can make teams and group users in a team. This forms the data.all team. When using custom authentication, this information will have to be maintained by either your IDP or any other systems you use to maintain group information.

When using custom authentication, you will have to create a file and implement 3 functions from dataall/base/services/ServiceProvider.py For example, you can create a package like dataall/base/custom_auth/MyProvider.py and create your own class and implement the methods as shown below

class MyProvider(ServiceProvider):
    def get_user_emailids_from_group(self, group_name):
        # Your implementation
    def get_groups_for_user(self, user_id):
        # Your implementation
    def list_groups(self, envname: str, region: str):
        # Your implementation

Once you implement these methods, return an instance of your provider in dataall/base/service/ServiceProviderFactory.py . Please follow the instructions in the comments to create and return an instance of your custom service provider. Here’s an example of an implementation for your reference,

    def get_service_provider_instance():
        if (os.environ.get("custom_auth", None)):
            # Return instance of your service provider which implements the ServiceProvider interface
            # Please take a look at the "Deploy to AWS" , External IDP section for steps
                # Instantiate your instance of custom Service Provider
                return MyProvider()
            except Exception as e:
            return Cognito()

7. Configure the application modules in the config.json file

In data.all V2 you can enable, disable, configure and add new modules to your data.all deployment in the config.json file located at the top level of the repository. Here is an example file, where you can distinguish 2 parts: modules and core. Read the following subsections to understand each of these parts and the different configuration options.

    "modules": {
        "datasets": {
            "active": true,
            "features": {
                "file_uploads": false,
                "file_actions": true,
                "aws_actions": true,
                "preview_data": true,
                "glue_crawler": true,
                "share_notifications": {
                    "email": {
                        "active": false,
                        "parameters": {
                            "group_notifications": true
                "confidentiality_dropdown" : true,
                "topics_dropdown" : true
        "mlstudio": {
            "active": true
        "notebooks": {
            "active": true
        "datapipelines": {
            "active": true
        "worksheets": {
            "active": true
        "dashboards": {
            "active": true
    "core": {
        "features": {
            "env_aws_actions": true,
            "cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account": false

Enable/disable modules

The first thing that you’ll need to do is to set a certain module to "active": true to enable the module or "active": false to disable it. If a module is disabled, the module related APIs and frontend views won’t be created.

If a module depends on other modules we do not need to explicitly define it as active in the config.json. For example, datasets depend on the dataset-sharing module. dataset-sharing will be loaded even if we do not declare it in the config.json.

The following table contains a list of the available modules and their dependencies with a very brief explanation of the functionality. If you want to know more about each module, check the UserGuide available as PDF in the repository.

Module depends on Description
catalog None Central catalog of data items. In this module a glossary of terms is defined.
feed None S3 Bucket and Glue database construct to store data in data.all
vote catalog S3 Bucket and Glue database construct to store data in data.all
datasets datasets_base, dataset_sharing, catalog, vote, feed S3 Bucket and Glue database construct to store data in data.all
dataset_sharing datasets_base, notifications Sub-module that allows sharing of Datasets through Lake Formation and S3
datasets_base None Shared code related to Datasets.
worksheets datasets Athena query editor integrated in data.all UI
datapipelines feed CICD pipelines that deploy AWS DDK applications
mlstudio None SageMaker Studio users that can open a session directly from data.all UI
notebooks None SageMaker Notebooks created and accessible from data.all UI
dashboards catalog, vote, feed Start a Quicksight session or import and share a Quicksight Dashboard.
notifications None Construct to notify users on dataset sharing updates in data.all

Disable module features

As you probably noticed, the dataset module contains an additional field called features in the config.json. If there is a particular functionality that you want to enable or disable you can do so in this section. In the example config.json, the feature that enables file upload from data.all UI has been disabled.

    "datasets": {
        "active": true,
        "features": {
            "file_uploads": false,
            "file_actions": true,
            "aws_actions": true,
            "preview_data": true,
            "glue_crawler": true,
            "share_notifications": {
                "email": {
                    "active": false,
                    "parameters": {
                        "group_notifications": true
Feature Module Description
file_uploads datasets Upload files in a Dataset in the Upload tab
file_actions datasets Create, Read, Update, Delete on Dataset Folders
aws_actions datasets Get AWS Credentials and assume Dataset IAM role from data.all’s UI
preview_data datasets Enable previews of dataset tables for users in data.all UI
glue_crawler datasets Allow running Glue Crawler to catalog new data for data.all datasets directly from the UI
share_notifications datasets Allow additional notifications (on top of data.all’s built in UI notifications) to be sent to data.all users when a dataset sharing operation occurs (currently only type email notifications is supported and requires custom_domain hosted zone parameters be specified in cdk.json)
confidentiality_dropdown datasets Disable / Enable use of confidentiality levels for a dataset. Please note - when this drop down is set to false each dataset is treated as if it is Official or Secret
topics_dropdown datasets Disable / Enable use of topics for a dataset

Customizing Module Features

In addition to disabling / enabling, some module features allow for additional customization to create a tailored data.all for your needs. Below is one such example of how one could customize module features in the config.json. Please refer to the list for all customization options

    "datasets": {
        "features": {
            "custom_confidentiality_mapping": {
                 "Public" : "Unclassified",
                 "Private" : "Official", 
                 "Confidential" : "Secret",
                 "Very Highly Confidential" : "Secret"
Customization Module Description
custom_confidentiality_mapping datasets Provides custom confidentiality mapping json which maps your custom confidentiality levels to existing data.all confidentiality
For e.g. custom_confidentiality_mapping : { "Public" : "Unclassified", "Private" : "Official", "Confidential" : "Secret", "Very Highly Confidential" : "Secret"}
This will display confidentiality levels - Public, Private, Confidential & Very Highly Confidential - in the confidentiality drop down and maps it existing confidentiality levels in data.all - Unclassified, Official and Secret

Disable and customize core features

In some cases, customers need to disable features that belong to the core functionalities of data.all. One way to restrict a particular feature in the core is to add it to the core section of the config.json and enable/disable it.

    "core": {
        "features": {
            "env_aws_actions": true,
            "cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account": false

This is the list of core features that can currently be customized. Take it as an example if you need to disable or modify the bahavior any other core feature.

Feature Module Description
env_aws_actions environments If set to True, users can get AWS Credentials and assume Environment Group IAM roles from data.all’s UI
cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account environments If set to True, the CDK-created pivot role as part of the environment stack will be region specific (dataallPivotRole-cdk-<region>). This feature allows users to create multiple data.all environments in the same account but multiple regions.

8. Run CDK synth and check cdk.context.json

Run cdk synth to create the template that will be later deployed to CloudFormation. With this command, CDK will create a cdk.context.json file with key-value pairs that are checked at synthesis time. Think of them as environment variables for the synthesis of CloudFormation stacks. cdk synth retrieves information from the AWS account that the AWS CLI has access to. For this reason we will run cdk synth as many times as AWS accounts we are using, with the corresponding credentials:

  • With tooling account AWS credentials:
    cdk synth
  • With deployment account N AWS credentials:
    cdk synth

    Here is an example of a generated cdk.context.json file. Data.all requires one subnet per Availability Zone. In case more than one subnet per availability zone is returned in the cdk.context.json file, remove the subnets that won’t be used in the deployment.

    "vpc-provider:account=XXX:filter.vpc-id=vpc-XXX:region=eu-west-1:returnAsymmetricSubnets=true": {
      "vpcId": "vpc-1234567890EXAMPLE",
      "vpcCidrBlock": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/22",
      "availabilityZones": [],
      "subnetGroups": [
          "name": "Private",
          "type": "Private",
          "subnets": [
              "subnetId": "subnet-XXX",
              "cidr": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/23",
              "availabilityZone": "eu-west-1a",
              "routeTableId": "rtb-XXX"
              "subnetId": "subnet-XXX",
              "cidr": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24",
              "availabilityZone": "eu-west-1b",
              "routeTableId": "rtb-XXX"
              "subnetId": "subnet-XXX",
              "cidr": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24",
              "availabilityZone": "eu-west-1c",
              "routeTableId": "rtb-XXX"

    9. Add CDK context file

    The generated cdk.context.json file must be added to your source code and pushed into the previously created CodeCommit repository. Add the generated context file to the repo by running the commands below (remember, with the tooling account credentials).

    git add cdk.json
    git add cdk.context.json
    git commit -m "CDK configuration"
    git push

    10. Run CDK deploy

    You are all set to start the deployment, with the AWS credentials for the tooling account, run the command below. Replace the resource_prefix and git_branch by their values in the cdk.json file.

cdk deploy <resource_prefix>-<git_branch>-cicd-stack

In case you used the default values, this is how the command would look like:

cdk deploy dataall-main-cicd-stack

11. Configure Cloudwatch RUM (if enable_cw_rum=true)

If you enabled CloudWatch RUM in the cdk.json file:

  1. Open AWS Console
  2. Go to CloudWatch service on the left panel under Application monitoring open RUM
  3. Select your environment (data.all-envname-monitor) and click on edit button.
  4. Update the domain with your Route53 domain name or your CloudFront distribution domain (omit https://), and check include subdomains.
  5. Copy to clipboard the javascript code suggested on the console. Screenshot
  6. Open data.all codebase on an IDE and open the file data.all/frontend/public/index.html
  7. Paste the code on the clipboard like below: Screenshot
  8. Commit and push your changes.

12. Setting SES for Email Notifications

Please follow instructions from below only if you have enabled email notifications on share workflow by switching the email.active config ( from config.json file ) to true in the share_notifications feature under datasets module.

Moving AWS SES out of Sandbox

If you have specified custom_domain in cdk.json and set modules.datasets.features.share_notifications.email.active to active in config.json, after the deployment you should see a SES identity which is formed in your AWS Account. You can check it by going to the AWS Console -> AWS SES -> Identities. At this time you have successfully deployed infrastructure to send email notifications via SES, but your AWS account is in the Sandbox mode. When in Sandbox mode, you will have to verify each recipient email id manually. In order to get your SES account out of Sandbox, please follow the instructions in Moving out of Sandbox . Once your AWS SES account is out of sandbox you can send email to any recipient email id without any prior verification.

Monitoring for Email Bounces

When SES Stack is deployed during the pipeline stage, it will setup a configuration set which will send any email bounces, delivery failures, rejects & complaints to an SNS topic. In this step, you can add subscriptions to this SNS topic to monitor email delivery problems In order to do that go to AWS Console -> SNS -> Select the SNS topic which would look like {resource_prefix}-{envname}-SNS-Email-Bounce-Topic ( where resource_prefix and envname are specified in the cdk.json ) -> Create Subscription. You can attach multiple subscriptions to this SNS topic and monitor and take actions in case of any delivery failure.

🎉 Congratulations - What I have just done? 🎉

You’ve successfully deployed data.all CI/CD to your tooling account, namely, the resources that you see in the diagram.


With this pipeline we can now deploy the infrastructure to the deployment account(s). Navigate to AWS CodePipeline in the tooling account and check the status of your pipeline.

To learn more about how to get started using the data.all UI and get a holistic understanding of supported features please check out the Getting Started Workshop and the data.all UserGuide (available as PDF in the open-source repository or via the data.all UI).

Best practices and recommendations

Deployment parameters

Some of the deployment parameters in the cdk.json strenghten the security posture of the deployment. We encourage users to configure data.all with the following values.

  • Set enable_pivot_role_auto_create to true: it allows data.all to scope down permissions to the pivot role. It also avoids manual management of pivot roles, which the subsequent reduction of manual errors.
  • Set cognito_user_session_timeout_inmins to the minimum: which constraints the impact of malicious actors impersonating a cognito user.

Least privilege permissions

Data.all strives to fulfill this principle for all roles and personas using the platform. There are some additional guidelines that could serve customers to follow this principle when setting up AWS accounts to use data.all.

  • Access to the deployment account(s) should be restricted to data.all maintainer teams. IAM roles with limited permissions will be provided to these teams only.
  • Access to the tooling account should be restricted to developer teams. IAM roles with access only to the CICD necessary resources will be provided to these teams only.
  • Access in the environment account(s). Data personas should use the provided IAM team roles to produce and consume data. Other IAM roles in the Environment AWS Account should have limited permissions. You might use imported-IAM roles to data.all or consumption roles to adjust to your particular requirements.
  • Access in the environment account(s) for CDK execution role, should use the scoped-down CDK exec role policy that can be downloaded from the data.all UI when linking a new environment. This CloudFormation template can then be used in the CDK bootstrap command.

Managing new releases and customizations

To get the latest features and fixes, customers are encouraged to keep in sync with the latest version of data.all. At the same time, customers often develop their own features and customizations on top of data.all. We recommend customers to contribute back these features so that we can manage them and respond to issues. Moreover, contributing back makes it easier to keep in sync with the latest data.all releases. Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md file in data.all’s GitHub repository for more information on how to contribute back to data.all.


How does the prod_sizing field in cdk.json affect the architecture ?

This field defines the size of the backend resource. It is recommended to set it to true when deploying into a production environment, and false otherwise. By setting the value to true, data.all backend resources are more available and scale faster. When setting the value to false, backend resources become smaller but you save up on cost.

These are the resources affected:

Backend Service prod_sizing Configuration
Aurora true - Deletion protection enabled
- Backup retention of 30 days
- Paused after 1 day of inactivity
- Max capacity unit of 16 ACU
- Min capacity unit of 4 ACU
Aurora false - Deletion protection disabled
- No backup retention
- Paused after 10 mintes of inactivity
- Max capacity unit of 8 ACU
- Min capacity unit of 2 ACU
OpenSearch true - The KMS key of the OpenSearch cluster is kept when the CloudFormation stack is deleted
- Cluster configured with 3 master node and 2 data nodes
- Each data node has an EBS volume of 30GiB attached to it
OpenSearch false - The KMS key of the OpenSearch cluster gets deleted when the CloudFormation stack is deleted
- Cluster configured with 0 master node and 2 data nodes
- Each data node has an EBS volume of 20GiB attached to it
Lambda function true - Lambda functions are configured with more memory
Lambda function false - Lambda functions are configured with less memory
SSM Parameter Store true - SSM in the AWS account is configured for high throughput (check service quotas)
SSM Parameter Store false - SSM in the AWS account is configured for default throughput (check service quotas)

I used the wrong accounts or made another mistake in the deployment. How do I un-deploy data.all?

In the above steps we are only deploying data.all tooling resources. Hence, if the CI/CD CodePipeline pipeline has not been entirely run, nothing has been deployed to the infrastructure account(s).

To clean-up the tooling account we have to simply delete the 2 AWS CloudFormation stacks deployed in the account:

  • In your selected region: <resource_prefix>-<git_branch>-cicd-stack
  • In us-east-1: <resource_prefix>-<git_branch>-cicd-stack-support-us-east-1

Some AWS resources have deletion particularities:

  • Aurora Database for integration testing: deletion protection is enabled by default and will result in DELETE_FAILED in AWS CloudFormation. Enable deletion in RDS before deleting <resource_prefix>-<git_branch>-cicd-stack.
  • KMS keys are marked as pending deletion and once the waiting period is over they are effectively deleted. This is their default behavior explained in the documentation.
  • The S3 buckets created by the deployment will not get deleted by AWS CloudFormation automatically, given these contain objects. Before running a new deployment, remove the S3 buckets matching the naming convention <resource_prefix>-<git_branch>-cicd-stack-xxxxxxxxx first to prevent a CloudFormation error reporting on already existing buckets.

Troubleshooting - The CodePipeline Pipeline fails with CodeBuild Error Code “AccountLimitExceededException”

Sometimes, we run into the following error “Error calling startBuild: Cannot have more than 1 builds in queue for the account”. Nothing is wrong with the code itself, CodeBuild quotas have been hit. Just click on Retry.

I would like to migrate to Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

If you have deployed data.all with Amazon OpenSearch and would like to migrate to Amazon OpenSearch Serverless, you would need to migrate the indexes to your new cluster. Although data.all currently does not provide an automated migration tool, it is possible to do so manually using the following approaches: