
  1. End-to-end architecture
  2. CICD in tooling account
  3. Infrastructure in deployment account(s)
  4. Linked Environments
  5. data.all Resources
  6. Permission Model

End-to-end architecture


CICD in tooling account

data.all infrastructure (in the deployment account(s)) is deployed from the tooling account using AWS CodePipeline. Cloud resources in data.all are defined using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). data.all CI/CD was built with cross accounts deployments in mind using AWS CDK pipelines version 2.14.0.


  • As appears in the diagram, AWS CodeBuild projects which are part of the CI/CD pipeline are running inside a VPC and private subnets.

  • data.all dependencies are stored on AWS CodeArtifact which ensures third party libraries availability, encryption using AWS KMS and auditability through AWS CloudTrail.

  • The quality gate stage of the CI/CD pipeline scans third party libraries for vulnerabilities using safety and bandit python libraries.

  • Docker images: data.all base image for all components is AWS approved Amazon Linux base image, and does not rely on Dockerhub. Docker images are built with AWS CodePipeline and stored on Amazon ECR which ensures image availability, and vulnerabilities scanning.

  • For the integration test stage we use an Aurora serverless database which is encrypted with KMS and has rotation enabled. The database security groups allow access to the database to Codebuild projects only.

Infrastructure in deployment account(s)

data.all infrastructure can be best understood when compared to a classical 3-tier application, implemented using mostly AWS serverless services. As in classical web application, the three layers of data.all are:

  1. Presentation layer (Amazon Cloudfront OR Amazon Application Load Balancer)
  2. API layer:
    • Client (AWS API Gateway)
    • Server (AWS Lambda)
  3. Persistence layer (Amazon Aurora serverless – Postgres version)

The architecture decouples data.all business logic (CRUD) from the AWS logic and processing. To achieve this decoupling, the web application delegates any AWS related tasks to two components:

  1. Long Running Background Tasks Processor (Amazon ECS Fargate)
  2. Short Running Asynchronous Tasks Processor (AWS Lambda)

data.all infrastructure runs 90% on serverless services in a private VPC, the remaining 10% is for the OpenSearch cluster. Since data.all release v1.5.0 you have the ability to deploy an OpenSearch Serverless cluster instead by specifying the enable_opensearch_serverless parameter of the configuration cdk.json file. Check the Deploy to AWS section.


Frontend Components

To fit the requirements of enterprise grade customers, data.all architecture has two variants. Both architectures are part of data.all code base and can be configured in the deployment with the internet_facing parameter of the configuration cdk.json file. Check the Deploy to AWS section.

  • Internet facing architecture
  • VPC facing architecture

Internet facing architecture

This architecture relies on AWS services living outside the VPC like S3 and CloudFront for data.all UI and user guide documentation hosting. Backend APIs are public and can be reached from the internet. Internet facing services are protected with AWS Wep Application Firewall (WAF).

Users Authentication

Users in data.all are authenticated against AWS Cognito. In a typical step of data.all, Cognito is federated with a corporate Identity Provider, such as Okta or Active Directory (including Azure AD 365). In this case Cognito acts as a simple proxy, abstracting the different IdP providers protocols.

Note: data.all doesn’t have a user store and does not create or manage groups. It relies only on information provided by the IdP; such as username, email, groups, etc…

Data.all can also be configured to use any external Idp which uses OIDC. With this, data.all user will be authenticated with your Idp. With external Idp, data.all doesn’t maintain the user groups information. In order for data.all modules to work seamlessly, you will have to implement methods provided in the dataall/base/services/ and provide an instance of your implementation in the dataall/base/services/ For more information on deploying with external Idp, please checkout the Deploy to AWS section.

User Interface and User Guide

data.all UI and user guide website follow static websites pattern on AWS with CloudFront used as the Content Delivery Network (CDN). CloudFront is protected by Web Application Firewall (WAF) on top of S3 encrypted buckets hosting the sites assets.

  • data.all UI frontend code is a React application. Its code is bundled using React create-react-app utility, and saved to S3 as the Cloudfront distribution origin.

  • data.all user guide consists of static HTML documents generated from markdown files using Mkdocs library available to all users having access to the server hosting the documentation.

Note - When using External IDP, the user guide will be disabled and stack associated with it would be removed.

VPC facing architecture

In this architecture, data.all static sites are deployed on an AWS internal application load balancer (ALB) deployed on the VPC’s private subnet. Data.all static sites are hosted on Amazon ECS using docker containers through nginx server.

The ALB is reachable only from Amazon VPCs and not from the internet. Also, APIs are private and accessible only through VPC endpoints. For this kind of architecture, the following resources need to be provisioned as pre-requisite for the deployment:

  • Route 53 private hosted zone
  • ACM certificate
  • For the above you will also need a VPC which needs to be provided as input for the deployment. Check the backend VPC section to review the VPC requirements.

Although it is not a pre-requisite per se, to use this architecture customers need a way to connect with the data.all VPC. Typically, this is achieved by connecting the VPN to the VPC in data.all.

With the following commands you can create the ACM certificate and Route 53 private hosted zone:

  1. cd to empty directory
  2. This command will create your pem and a paraphrase password file: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 1825 -keyout dataallkey.pem -out dataall.pem -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:<YOUR-HOSTED-ZONE-NAME>,DNS:*.<YOUR-HOSTED-ZONE-NAME>"
  3. This command will create a no password file to load in ACM: openssl rsa -in dataallkey.pem -out dataallkeynopwd.pem
  4. aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name <domain-name> --vpc VPCRegion=<vpc_region>,VPCId=<vpc-id> --caller-reference 07:12:22 --query HostedZone.Id --output text
  5. aws acm import-certificate --region us-east-1 --certificate fileb://<filepath to cert> --private-key fileb://<filepath to no password key> --query CertificateArn --output text

After it is deployed, How do I connect (or simulate the connection) between my VPN and data.all VPC? The following resources might be helpful for testing and connecting the deployment:

  • Third party libraries: data.all static sites libraries are stored on AWS CodeArtifact which ensures third party libraries availability, encryption using AWS KMS and auditability through AWS CloudTrail.

  • Docker images: data.all base image for static sites is an AWS approved Amazon Linux base image, and does not rely on Dockerhub. Docker images are built with AWS CodePipeline and stored on Amazon ECR which ensures image availability, and vulnerabilities scanning.

Backend Components


Backend VPC

Created by data.all

If we do not provide a VPC ID for the different infrastructure accounts in the deployment configuration (aka cdk.json), data.all creates its own VPC in the account where it is set up, with usual configuration. All backend compute is hosted in the private subnets, and communicates with AWS Services through a NAT Gateway.

All data.all Lambda functions and ECS tasks are running inside this VPC and in private subnets.


Created outside of data.all

There are 2 scenarios where we might want to provide our own VPCs: 1) Organization guidelines. In your organization there are certain policies and mechanisms to create VPCs. 2) Frontend needs to be hosted in data.all VPC facing architecture

When providing the VPC, your VPC should resemble the image above.

  1. Make sure that it is deployed in at least 2 Availability Zones (AZ)
  2. Make sure that it has at least 1 public subnet. Data.all needs to download packages, hence needs public access.
  3. Make sure that the private subnets route to a NAT Gateway
  4. Make sure that the VPC created does not have an S3 VPC endpoint

Here is a screenshot of the creation of the VPC: Screenshot

Backend AWS API Gateway

data.all backend main entry point is an AWS API Gateway that exposes a GraphQL API.

  • API Gateway is private and not exposed to the internet, it’s linked to a shared VPC endpoint.
  • A resource policy on the API Gateway denies any traffic with a source different than the VPC endpoint.
  • API Gateway is protected by AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) against malicious attacks.

Amazon Cognito Authorizer

As explained in the frontend section, Amazon Cognito is used for Authentication of users. In Amazon API Gateway we again use Cognito for Authorization. With an Amazon Cognito user pool, we control who can access our GraphQL API.

Note - If you already have an IDP to manage user pools, you can replace Cognito Authorizer with a Custom Authorizer using your own IDP. In order to do so, please follow instruction in “Deploy to AWS” section.

AWS Lambda - Backend or “API Handler” Lambda

This is the backend Lambda function that implements the business logic by processing the incoming GraphQL queries. More information on GraphQL can be found in their site.

  • It is written in Python 3.8.
  • It is stored on AWS CodeArtifact which ensures third party libraries availability, encryption using AWS KMS and auditability through AWS CloudTrail.
  • data.all base image for Lambda functions is an AWS approved Amazon Linux base image, and does not rely on Dockerhub. Docker images are built with AWS CodePipeline and stored on Amazon ECR which ensures image availability, and vulnerabilities scanning.

The GraphQL, backend or API Handler Lambda delegates AWS SDK calls and CDK deployment operations to:

  1. Short Running Asynchronous Tasks Processor or “Worker” to AWS Lambda
  2. Long Running Background Tasks Processor to ECS Fargate

AWS Lambda - Short Running Asynchronous Tasks Processor or “Worker” Lambda

The Worker Lambda function performs AWS SDK calls for short running tasks. The API Handler Lambda and this Worker Lambda functions communicate through a message queue using a SQS queue.

  • It is written in Python 3.8.
  • It is stored on AWS CodeArtifact which ensures third party libraries availability, encryption using AWS KMS and auditability through AWS CloudTrail.
  • data.all base image for Lambda functions is an AWS approved Amazon Linux base image, and does not rely on Dockerhub. Docker images are built with AWS CodePipeline and stored on Amazon ECR which ensures image availability, and vulnerabilities scanning.

Amazon SQS FIFO Queue

data.all uses Amazon SQS FIFO queue as a messaging mechanism between the API Handler Lambda function and the Worker Lambda function.

  • Amazon SQS queue is running outside of the VPC.
  • Amazon SQS queue is encrypted with AWS KMS key with enabled rotation.

ECS Fargate - Long Running Background Tasks Processor

data.all uses ECS tasks to perform long running tasks or scheduled tasks. One of the tasks performed by ECS is the creation of CDK stacks in the linked environments’ accounts.

  • data.all ECS backend service docker images are built with AWS CodePipeline and stored on AWS CodeArtifact which ensures third party libraries availability, encryption using AWS KMS and auditability through AWS CloudTrail.

  • Docker images: data.all base image for ECS backend service is an AWS approved Amazon Linux base image, and does not rely on Dockerhub. Docker images are built with AWS CodePipeline and stored on Amazon ECR which ensures image availability, and vulnerabilities scanning.

The following table includes an overview of the different ECS task definitions deployed in data.all.

ECS task trigger module Description
cdkproxy on-demand (by backend) core It deploys CDK stacks in data.all Environment accounts (e.g. Environments, Datasets, Notebooks…)
stacks-updater scheduled (daily) core It updates all Environment and Dataset stacks
catalog-indexer scheduled (every 6 hours) core It indexes new tables and data items in the data.all central catalog
tables-syncer scheduled (every 15 mins) datasets It syncs tables in the Glue Catalog with the metadata of tables in data.all
subscriptions scheduled (every 15 mins) datasets It retrieves data from shared items and posts it in an SNS topic
share-manager on-demand (by backend) dataset_sharing It executes data shares in source and target accounts (bucket sharing, table sharing, folder sharing)
share-verifier scheduled (weekly) dataset_sharing It verifies all shared items and updates their health status.
share-reapplier on-demand (manually by data.all admins) dataset_sharing It reapplies all unhealthy shared items in data.all. It can be used by data.all admins in case an upgrade or any other unforeseen event damages the current shares.

Trigger an ECS task manually Exceptionally, data.all admins might need to trigger some of these ECS tasks manually. They can do so directly from the AWS Console making sure they select the correct networking parameters, which as shown in the following commands, can be obtained from SSM Parameter Store.

export cluster_name=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name /dataall/<ENV_NAME>/ecs/cluster/name --output text --query 'Parameter.Value')
export private_subnets=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name /dataall/<ENV_NAME>/ecs/private_subnets  --output text --query 'Parameter.Value')
export security_groups=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name /dataall/<ENV_NAME>/ecs/security_groups  --output text --query 'Parameter.Value')
export task_definition=$(aws ssm get-parameter --name /dataall/<ENV_NAME>/ecs/task_def_arn/stacks_updater  --output text --query 'Parameter.Value')
aws ecs run-task --task-definition $task_definition --cluster \"$cluster_arn\" --launch-type \"FARGATE\" --network-configuration \"$network_config\" --launch-type FARGATE --propagate-tags TASK_DEFINITION

Amazon Aurora

data.all uses Amazon Aurora serverless – PostgreSQL version to persist the application metadata. For example, for each data.all concept (data.all environments, datasets…) there is a table in the Aurora database. Additional tables support the application business logic.

  • Aurora database is encrypted with AWS KMS key with enabled rotation.
  • Aurora database is running inside a VPC and private subnets.
  • It is accessible only by data.all resources like Lambda functions and ECS tasks through security groups inbound rules.

Amazon OpenSearch

data.all uses Amazon OpenSearch to index datasets information for optimal search experience on the catalog.

By default, Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster is created, however users have the ability to use Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collection instead by enabling a corresponding feature flag in cdk.json.

  • Amazon OpenSearch cluster is running inside a VPC and private subnets.
  • If using Amazon OpenSearch Serverless collection, it is only accessible through OpenSearch Serverless–managed VPC endpoints.
  • It is accessible only by data.all resources like Lambda functions and ECS tasks thanks to enforced security groups inbound rules in case of OpenSearch cluster, or access policies in case of Amazon OpenSearch Serverless.
  • It is encrypted at rest with AWS KMS customer managed key (CMK).

AWS Lambda OpenSearch Handler

This Lambda function performs operations on the Catalog OpenSearch cluster: queries, upserts, deletes of items.

  • It is written in Python 3.8.
  • It is stored on AWS CodeArtifact which ensures third party libraries availability, encryption using AWS KMS and auditability through AWS CloudTrail.
  • data.all base image for Lambda functions is an AWS approved Amazon Linux base image, and does not rely on Dockerhub. Docker images are built with AWS CodePipeline and stored on Amazon ECR which ensures image availability, and vulnerabilities scanning.

Observability with CloudWatch and CloudWatch RUM

As part of the deployment, data.all deploys observability AWS resources with CDK and ultimately in CloudFormation. These include AWS CloudWatch Alarms on the infrastructure: on Aurora DB, on the OpenSearch cluster, on API errors… Operation teams can subscribe to a topic on Amazon SNS to receive near real time alarms notifications when issues are occurring on the infrastructure.

Additionally, if we enabled CloudWatch RUM in the config.json file when we deployed data.all we will be able to collect and view client-side data about your web application performance from actual user sessions in near real time.

Linked Environments

Environments are workspaces where one or multiple teams can work. They are the door between our users in data.all and AWS, that is why we say that we “link” environments because we link each environment to ONE AWS account, in ONE specific region. Under each environment we create other data.all resources, such as datasets, pipelines and notebooks.

For the deployment of CloudFormation stacks we call upon a CDK trust policy between the Deployment account and the Environment account. As for the SDK calls, from the deployment account we assume a certain IAM role in the environment accounts, the pivotRole. This role can only be assumed by the backend IAM roles using an externalId.

To link one AWS account with an environment, the account must verify the following conditions:

  1. AWS account is bootstrapped with CDK and is trusting data.all deployment account.
  2. (optional) If the cdk.json parameter enable_pivot_role_auto_create is set to False then users need to manually create a pivotRole IAM role with the template provided in the UI.

Pivot role options

The pivot role is a key piece of data.all architecture, it is the role assumed by the backend components to carry out AWS actions in the Environment accounts. There are 3 ways of configuring the pivot role:

    1. Manual pivot role: Users need to manually create the IAM role in each of the environment accounts. Whenever new features are introduced and the pivot role needs to be updates, users need to manually update the pivot role template. IAM policies cannot be scoped down to new resources imported in data.all.
    1. Single-region CDK pivot role: The pivot role is created and updated as part of the environment CDK stack. Users do not need to perform any actions. The IAM policies of the role can be scoped down to imported resources. Only one environment-region can be linked to data.all.
    1. Multi-region CDK pivot role: Same as the Single-region CDK pivot role, but it allows users to create multiple environments in the same AWS account. Only one environment per region can be created.

Recommendation: We strongly recommend users to avoid manual pivot roles. Between the single-region and multi-region, we recommend using the multi-region pivot role as it allows both use cases single region and multi region.

Type IAM Role Name cdk.json config.json
Manual pivot role dataallPivotRole enable_pivot_role_auto_create = False Not applicable
Single-region CDK pivot role dataallPivotRole-cdk enable_pivot_role_auto_create = True cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account = False
Multi-region CDK pivot role dataallPivotRole-cdk-<region> enable_pivot_role_auto_create = True cdk_pivot_role_multiple_environments_same_account = True


CDK bootstrap

We need to bootstrap the environment account to provision resources the AWS CDK needs to perform the deployment of environments, datasets, pipelines and other data.all resources.

Run the following command with AWS credentials of the environment account:

cdk bootstrap --trust <deployment-account-id> -c @aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis=true --cloudformation-execution-policies arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess aws://<environment-account-id>/<environment-account-region>

Note that we added some parameters to the bootstraping command, as appears in the documentation:

  • --trust: lists the AWS accounts that may deploy into the environment being bootstrapped. Use this flag when bootstrapping an environment that a CDK Pipeline in another environment will deploy into. The account doing the bootstrapping is always trusted.
  • --cloudformation-execution-policies: specifies the ARNs of managed policies that should be attached to the deployment role assumed by AWS CloudFormation during deployment of your stacks.


Each data.all environment must have an AWS IAM role named pivotRole that trusts data.all’s deployment account, so that it could assume that role and do AWS operations like list AWS Glue database tables etc…

The pivotRole is secured with an externalId with whom it must be created. Otherwise, the STS AssumeRole operation will fail. This is a recommended pattern from AWS to grant access to external AWS accounts.

The externalId is created with the data.all infrastructure and is stored on AWS Secrets Manager encrypted with a KMS key. Only users with access to data.all can see and use the externalId.

From the data.all UI we can download a CloudFormation template of the pivotRole and deploy it in our business account. Alternatively, you can access this template directly from the Github repository/deploy.

data.all Resources

data.all resources are the objects created by the users through data.all UI or API like datasets, notebooks, dashboards… We will discuss below the security of those data.all resources that have a CloudFormation stack associated.


They are created inside a data.all environment, thus the dataset stack is deployed in the environment linked AWS account and region. When we create a data.all dataset we are deploying the following resources (not only):

Service Resource Description
S3 Bucket Amazon S3 Bucket where the data is stored
KMS Key Key encryption used to encrypt the dataset S3 Bucket
IAM Role Role for direct link access to the dataset S3 Bucket
Glue Database Glue database that holds the dataset tables

We also have the option to import a dataset, in such case we can reuse an existing S3 Bucket and Glue database.

Security and Networking configuration:

  • Encryption: Datasets are protected by AWS Managed KMS Keys, one key is generated for each Dataset.
  • Traceability: All access to data is logged through AWS CloudTrail logs
  • Traceability: On our structured data, all SQL queries from EMR, Redshift, Glue Jobs, Athena is automatically captured through Lake Formation.
  • Glue jobs related to the dataset are by default running outside the VPC.


Notebooks in data.all are a concept that allows Data Scientists to build machine learning models using Amazon Sagemaker Studio. They are created inside a data.all environment, thus the notebook stack is deployed in the environment linked AWS account and region. It includes:

Service Resource Description
SageMaker Instance SageMaker Studio user profile

Security and Networking configuration:

  • Traceability: All access to data is logged through AWS CloudTrail logs.
  • Sagemaker studio is running on the VPC and subnets provided by the user.

Permission Model

data.all permission model is defined at group level not at user level. We define permissions for a group, this can be a Cognito group or a group coming from your IdP. The permissions defined by data.all on the group affect all of its members.

Each object in data.all will have an object-Team with full permissions on the object, it corresponds to a Cognito group that is typically federated with the Corporate IdP.

Tenant group

data.all has a tenant group which correspond to a group from Cognito or from your IdP that has the right to manage high level application (tenant) permissions for all IdP groups integrated with data.all.

This super user’s group maps to a group from your IdP that’s by default named “DAAdministrators”. Any user member of this group will be able to:

  • create organizations
  • manage tenant permissions on onboarded groups (IdP groups).


Organizations are created by the tenant group or by a group granted “create-organization” permissions. An organization is linked to a group, this is the organization-Team. Other Teams (IdP groups) can be invited to an existing organization to link their AWS accounts as data.all environments.

Only the users belonging to the organization-Team and the invited Teams are allowed to see the organization.


An environment is created by a user and associated with a Team. Members of this environment-Team can invite other Teams, other IdP groups. Members of the environment-Team are able to grant fine-grained permissions to the invited teams, which will create an IAM role with the corresponding permissions to access the AWS account.

Only the users belonging to the environment-Team and the invited Teams are allowed to access the underlying AWS account. For the latest, they access the AWS Account assuming the IAM role with the fine-grained permissions set by the environment-Team.

Datasets and data access

A dataset is created by a user and associated to an environment and team, which becomes the dataset-Team. Members of this team have UI permissions on the Dataset metadata and underlying access to the data in AWS, that is:

  • access to dataset metadata (e.g. AWS information) from the data.all UI
  • direct link access to the dataset S3 Bucket from the data.all UI
  • assuming their environment created IAM role, they can access the dataset S3 Bucket
  • assuming their environment created IAM role, they can access the data with all AWS Services integrated with Glue Catalog/Lake Formation

Users that are NOT members of the dataset-Team CANNOT perform the above listed actions on the dataset data.

Note: Any security requirement can be fully automated through adding resources to the stacks that define the dataset resources. This provides security team with simple ways to add any security mechanism at the scale of the data lake, as opposed to applying security on a project basics.

Data sharing

Each Dataset must have at least one Team of stewards (IdP group), handling sharing requests to the dataset items (tables/folders). We can define our dataset-Team as steward and on top, add additional Teams that will support us in the granting/revoking of data access.

Users request access on behalf of an environment and team, then a member of the Stewards teams can either accept or deny the request. Dataset items can be shared with other environments and teams. This effectively means that we perform cross-account data sharing to a chosen IAM role.

Note: Once the share request is accepted and processed, the specified Team members get access to the requested items. That means that data is granted for a Team, not for a user.

Dataset items are Tables and Folders:

  • Tables, for structured data: The underlying Glue tables secured by Lake Formation will have an additional READ ONLY Grant, allowing the remote account to Select and List the data for the shared table.

  • Folders, for unstructured data: The underlying S3 Bucket will be updated with an additional Policy granting READ ONLY access to the remote account on the underlying S3 Prefix.


Sharing remarks

  • sharing actions, either Lake Formation grants or CDK updates of the S3 bucket policy, are performed by data.all backend. Users of data.all don’t have access to the code that performs the share.
  • Data is shared, it is not copied between accounts.
  • Since table sharing is based on Lake Formation, it is subtle to Lake Formation service limitations. e.g. cross-region sharing.


A Notebook has a notebook-Team with UI permissions on the Notebook and underlying access to the data in AWS.


A Pipeline has a pipeline-Team with UI permissions on the Pipeline and underlying access to the data in AWS.


A Dashboard has a dashboards-Team with UI permissions on the Dashboard and underlying access to the data in AWS.